Ai deployment when and how…?

Manjeet Singh
4 min readJul 14, 2021

In the latest blow to human superiority, a robot student has become a self-repetitive master. Google’s AutoML system recently produced machine-learned code, which researchers themselves made available to the public for the first time as part of an artificial intelligence research project. was developed by a team of 10 years of experienced software engineers from Google and the University of California, San Diego. The team developed the idea of machine — learning software that can learn independently — learning code. As the number of applications increases, many software developers worry about their job security. AWS Codeguru claims that only 10% of its customers rate it. According to a recent survey by the Software Engineering Association of America, there are not enough innovative developers to keep up with demand.

The concern is too real, because real code surely needs to be created by real people who are familiar with the problem they are trying to solve, not by those who have spent years mastering their programming language. If algorithm-driven artificial intelligence (AI) continues to spread, humans will be better off than they are today. However, AI has only recently been developed and it could leave some developers in a bed of horrors.

Experts predict that networked artificial intelligence will increase human effectiveness, but also threaten human autonomy, agency, and ability. We talked about the wide-ranging possibilities of computers that can match or surpass the capabilities of human intelligence.

Artificial intelligence can be considered an umbrella term for algorithms and technologies that enable computer systems to perfectly mimic human intelligence, such as artificial neural networks.

AI or machine learning (ML), where the use of ML allows computers to learn automatically without human intervention. Interestingly, AI and machine learning use unique and specific algorithms that can access and learn from data to extract patterns to make decisions and predictions — patterns that seem to provide input for AI chat bots. In recent years, a wide range of algorithms have been developed that use a variety of techniques such as neural networks, deep learning and deep neural networks.

[Neural networks are a series of algorithms that mimic the operations of a human brain to recognize relationships between vast amounts of data. They are used in a variety of applications in financial services, from forecasting and marketing research to fraud detection and risk assessment. Source Investopedia]

Now that we understand the basics of AI and Python, we want to explore how AI will affect the future of coding and how it will affect future coding.

Some 30% have found that their development efforts have been replaced by some form of AI. Many have speculated that AI will replace the developers, but that’s not the case, at least not yet.

According to an Oxford study, 47% of all US jobs are likely to be automated by 2030. Machine learning and natural learning technologies will be able to write code by 2040, according to a study by the University of California, Berkeley’s Center for Artificial Intelligence.

New AI bots can write stories, music, poems and code almost as well as humans. Even programmers, the people who build intelligent algorithms, can be replaced by them. AI can create music and create art, play chess, but it must stop writing code.

This is a love letter written by a toaster:

This is a love letter written by a toaster:

Computer scientists have been writing code with the help of the latest artificial intelligence (AI) for over 50 years, from the beginnings of computer science to the present day.

We have our own virtual assistants, we write numerous lines of code and we can even write code ourselves. We can create love, name some of them and even have their own private email address, email addresses, phone numbers, passwords, etc. with the help of AI.

Watson Assistant remains a remarkable technology that will enable anyone, not just programmers, to build smart chatbots with conversation interfaces. Code can be written to create your own chatbot flower shop. By putting together the code, you can develop and use the chat bot in various ways, such as language, text, video, audio, etc.

AI will not replace software developers, but it may one day be used to write code for you, and you may use AI to write the code yourself one day.

As with any new technology, it will take time for AI to create worthy, high-quality code, but it can be used in the future to write better code, just as it is today with human code.

In the future, the Microsoft Cambridge team wants the system to understand the nuances of a full coding language and be able to recognize good code online. Searching for code sounds very similar to the work of AI: you go online to find a few lines of code that solve a human problem. If people did what people do, it would be as simple as typing in a combination of all the code they can imagine and then copying it into a new file and pasting it and seeing what code he has just written into it. It is only a terse term to describe an algorithm or process for generating and sorting code.

Is it all deplorable? I don’t cerebrate so — but it certainly requires some genuine attention. The automatic bots are here whether we opt them or not. AI bots can be first responders for people needing clamant info. They can withal handle and solve minute mundane quandaries without wasting human time and won’t tire out — providing more consistent results.

However, this is the proverbial tip of the iceberg and we require to commence having a broader discussion of how and when this technology should be deployed. It’s not a question if, only a question of where and how much.



Manjeet Singh

Social Activist, Educator/ Learner. Start your day from scratch, everyday will look new and exciting to you.